Film Screening: Special Preview of ‘There Is Another Way’
( ! ) Warning: Attempt to read property "city" on int in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 25 | ||||
Call Stack | ||||
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5 | 1.4248 | 178723960 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template_Bootstrap->get_view_html( ) | .../default-template.php:19 |
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There Is Another Way, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group '..., 'subscribe_links' => [...], '_context' => [...], 'text' => 'Loading...', 'classes' => [...], 'public_view_slug' => 'month', 'public_view_data' => class stdClass { ... }]; protected $global = ['slug' => 'list', 'prev_url' => '', 'next_url' => '', 'view_class' => 'Tribe\\Events\\Views\\V2\\Views\\List_View', 'view_slug' => 'list', 'view_label' => 'List', 'view' => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }, 'title' => 'Events Archive - New York Jewish Agenda', 'events' => [...], 'url' => '', 'url_event_date' => FALSE, 'bar' => [...], 'today' => '2025-02-14 00:00:00', 'now' => '2025-02-14 18:21:37', 'request_date' => class Tribe\Utils\Date_I18n { ... }, 'rest_url' => '', 'rest_method' => 'POST', 'rest_nonce' => '', 'should_manage_url' => TRUE, 'today_url' => '', 'today_title' => 'Click to select today\'s date', 'today_label' => 'Today', 'prev_label' => '', 'next_label' => '', 'date_formats' => class stdClass { ... }, 'messages' => [...], 'start_of_week' => '1', 'header_title' => '', 'header_title_element' => 'h1', 'content_title' => '', 'breadcrumbs' => [...], 'before_events' => '<p><strong>EVENTS</strong></p>\n', 'after_events' => '\n<!--\nThis calendar is powered by The Events Calendar.\n\n-->\n', 'display_events_bar' => TRUE, 'disable_event_search' => FALSE, 'live_refresh' => TRUE, 'ical' => class stdClass { ... }, 'container_classes' => [...], 'container_data' => [...], 'is_past' => FALSE, 'breakpoints' => [...], 'breakpoint_pointer' => 'f8defea7-724c-40a8-8983-ba094bf842a6', 'is_initial_load' => TRUE, 'public_views' => [...], 'show_latest_past' => TRUE, 'show_now' => TRUE, 'now_label' => 'Upcoming', 'now_label_mobile' => 'Upcoming', 'show_end' => FALSE, 'selected_start_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_start_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_start_date_label' => 'February 14', 'selected_end_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_end_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_end_date_label' => 'Now', 'datepicker_date' => '2/14/2025', 'json_ld_data' => '<script type="application/ld+json">\r\n[{"@context":"","@type":"Event","name":"Film Screening: Special Preview of ‘There Is Another Way’","description":"<p>Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of There Is Another Way, followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation. 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25 | 1.5200 | 179519816 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
26 | 1.5201 | 179541712 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
( ! ) Warning: Attempt to read property "state_province" on int in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 25 | ||||
Call Stack | ||||
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0640 | 5594120 | {main}( ) | .../index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0641 | 5594472 | require( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../index.php:17 |
3 | 1.0547 | 167403608 | require_once( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../wp-blog-header.php:19 |
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9 | 1.4646 | 178585616 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
10 | 1.4647 | 178613016 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
11 | 1.4695 | 178636360 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'components/ical-link', $context = ???, $echo = ??? ) | .../list.php:74 |
12 | 1.4696 | 178637248 | Tribe__Template->filter_template_html( $html = '', $file = '/var/www/vhosts/', $name = [0 => 'components', 1 => 'ical-link'], $hook_name = 'events/v2/components/ical-link' ) | .../Template.php:928 |
13 | 1.4696 | 178637328 | apply_filters( $hook_name = 'tribe_template_html:events/v2/components/ical-link', $value = '', ...$args = variadic('/var/www/vhosts/', [0 => 'components', 1 => 'ical-link'], class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template { protected $folder = [0 => 'src', 1 => 'views', 2 => 'v2']; public $origin = class Tribe__Events__Main { protected $min_wordpress = '6.2'; protected $min_php = '7.4.0'; protected $min_et_version = '5.16.0-dev'; private $show_data_wrapper = [...]; protected $post_type_args = [...]; public $postVenueTypeArgs = [...]; protected $taxonomyLabels = [...]; public $postOrganizerTypeArgs = [...]; public $rewriteSlug = 'events'; public $rewriteSlugSingular = 'event'; public $category_slug = 'category'; public $tag_slug = 'tag'; public $monthSlug = 'month'; public $featured_slug = 'featured'; public $scheduler = class Tribe__Events__Event_Cleaner_Scheduler { ... }; public $valid_venue_keys = [...]; public $all_slug = 'all'; public $taxRewriteSlug = 'events/category'; public $tagRewriteSlug = 'events/tag'; public $timezone_settings = NULL; public $activation_page = NULL; public $upcomingSlug = 'upcoming'; public $pastSlug = 'past'; public $listSlug = 'list'; public $daySlug = 'day'; public $todaySlug = 'today'; protected $postExceptionThrown = FALSE; public $pluginDir = 'the-events-calendar/'; public $pluginPath = '/var/www/vhosts/'; public $pluginUrl = ''; public $pluginName = 'The Events Calendar'; public $displaying = NULL; public $plugin_file = '/var/www/vhosts/'; public $plugin_dir = 'the-events-calendar/'; public $plugin_path = '/var/www/vhosts/'; public $plugin_url = ''; public $plugin_name = 'The Events Calendar'; public $date = NULL; protected $tabIndexStart = 2000; public $metaTags = [...]; public $venueTags = [...]; public $organizerTags = [...]; public $currentPostTimestamp = NULL; public $daysOfWeekShort = [...]; public $daysOfWeek = [...]; public $daysOfWeekMin = [...]; public $monthsFull = [...]; public $monthsShort = [...]; public $singular_venue_label = 'Venue'; public $plural_venue_label = 'Venues'; public $singular_organizer_label = 'Organizer'; public $plural_organizer_label = 'Organizers'; public $singular_event_label_lowercase = 'event'; public $plural_event_label_lowercase = 'events'; public $singular_event_label = 'Event'; public $plural_event_label = 'Events'; public $currentDay = ''; public $errors = ''; public $registered = class Tribe__Events__Plugin_Register { ... }; private $default_values = class Tribe__Events__Default_Values { ... }; private $should_prevent_autoload_init = FALSE; private $common_version_regex = '/const\\s+VERSION\\s*=\\s*\'([^\']+)\'/m'; public $template_namespace = 'events' }; protected $context = ['slug' => 'list', 'prev_url' => '', 'next_url' => '', 'view_class' => 'Tribe\\Events\\Views\\V2\\Views\\List_View', 'view_slug' => 'list', 'view_label' => 'List', 'view' => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }, 'title' => 'Events Archive - New York Jewish Agenda', 'events' => [...], 'url' => '', 'url_event_date' => FALSE, 'bar' => [...], 'today' => '2025-02-14 00:00:00', 'now' => '2025-02-14 18:21:37', 'request_date' => class Tribe\Utils\Date_I18n { ... }, 'rest_url' => '', 'rest_method' => 'POST', 'rest_nonce' => '', 'should_manage_url' => TRUE, 'today_url' => '', 'today_title' => 'Click to select today\'s date', 'today_label' => 'Today', 'prev_label' => '', 'next_label' => '', 'date_formats' => class stdClass { ... }, 'messages' => [...], 'start_of_week' => '1', 'header_title' => '', 'header_title_element' => 'h1', 'content_title' => '', 'breadcrumbs' => [...], 'before_events' => '<p><strong>EVENTS</strong></p>\n', 'after_events' => '\n<!--\nThis calendar is powered by The Events Calendar.\n\n-->\n', 'display_events_bar' => TRUE, 'disable_event_search' => FALSE, 'live_refresh' => TRUE, 'ical' => class stdClass { ... }, 'container_classes' => [...], 'container_data' => [...], 'is_past' => FALSE, 'breakpoints' => [...], 'breakpoint_pointer' => 'f8defea7-724c-40a8-8983-ba094bf842a6', 'is_initial_load' => TRUE, 'public_views' => [...], 'show_latest_past' => TRUE, 'show_now' => TRUE, 'now_label' => 'Upcoming', 'now_label_mobile' => 'Upcoming', 'show_end' => FALSE, 'selected_start_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_start_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_start_date_label' => 'February 14', 'selected_end_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_end_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_end_date_label' => 'Now', 'datepicker_date' => '2/14/2025', 'json_ld_data' => '<script type="application/ld+json">\r\n[{"@context":"","@type":"Event","name":"Film Screening: Special Preview of ‘There Is Another Way’","description":"<p>Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of There Is Another Way, followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation. There Is Another Way, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group '..., 'subscribe_links' => [...], '_context' => [...], 'text' => 'Loading...', 'classes' => [...], 'public_view_slug' => 'month', 'public_view_data' => class stdClass { ... }]; protected $global = ['slug' => 'list', 'prev_url' => '', 'next_url' => '', 'view_class' => 'Tribe\\Events\\Views\\V2\\Views\\List_View', 'view_slug' => 'list', 'view_label' => 'List', 'view' => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }, 'title' => 'Events Archive - New York Jewish Agenda', 'events' => [...], 'url' => '', 'url_event_date' => FALSE, 'bar' => [...], 'today' => '2025-02-14 00:00:00', 'now' => '2025-02-14 18:21:37', 'request_date' => class Tribe\Utils\Date_I18n { ... }, 'rest_url' => '', 'rest_method' => 'POST', 'rest_nonce' => '', 'should_manage_url' => TRUE, 'today_url' => '', 'today_title' => 'Click to select today\'s date', 'today_label' => 'Today', 'prev_label' => '', 'next_label' => '', 'date_formats' => class stdClass { ... }, 'messages' => [...], 'start_of_week' => '1', 'header_title' => '', 'header_title_element' => 'h1', 'content_title' => '', 'breadcrumbs' => [...], 'before_events' => '<p><strong>EVENTS</strong></p>\n', 'after_events' => '\n<!--\nThis calendar is powered by The Events Calendar.\n\n-->\n', 'display_events_bar' => TRUE, 'disable_event_search' => FALSE, 'live_refresh' => TRUE, 'ical' => class stdClass { ... }, 'container_classes' => [...], 'container_data' => [...], 'is_past' => FALSE, 'breakpoints' => [...], 'breakpoint_pointer' => 'f8defea7-724c-40a8-8983-ba094bf842a6', 'is_initial_load' => TRUE, 'public_views' => [...], 'show_latest_past' => TRUE, 'show_now' => TRUE, 'now_label' => 'Upcoming', 'now_label_mobile' => 'Upcoming', 'show_end' => FALSE, 'selected_start_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_start_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_start_date_label' => 'February 14', 'selected_end_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_end_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_end_date_label' => 'Now', 'datepicker_date' => '2/14/2025', 'json_ld_data' => '<script type="application/ld+json">\r\n[{"@context":"","@type":"Event","name":"Film Screening: Special Preview of ‘There Is Another Way’","description":"<p>Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of There Is Another Way, followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation. There Is Another Way, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group '..., 'subscribe_links' => [...]]; protected $template_origin_base_folder = [0 => 'src', 1 => 'views']; protected $template_context_extract = TRUE; protected $template_current_hook_name = 'events/v2/components/ical-link'; protected $template_base_path = '/var/www/vhosts/'; protected $template_folder_lookup = TRUE; protected $template_current_file_path = *uninitialized*; protected $common_lookup = TRUE; protected $aliases = []; protected $view = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { protected $context = class Tribe__Context { ... }; protected $slug = 'list'; protected $template_slug = 'list'; protected $template_path = ''; protected $template = ...; protected $repository = class Tribe__Events__Repositories__Event { ... }; protected $url = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Url { ... }; protected $global_backup = [...]; protected $repository_args = [...]; protected $global_repository_args = [...]; protected $page_key = 'paged'; protected $has_next_event = FALSE; protected $should_manage_url = TRUE; protected $messages = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Messages { ... }; protected $should_reset_page = FALSE; protected $display_events_bar = TRUE; protected $rewrite = class Tribe__Events__Rewrite { ... }; protected $cached_urls = [...]; protected TEC\Common\Configuration\Configuration $config = class TEC\Common\Configuration\Configuration { ... }; protected $default_breakpoints = [...] }; protected $repository = NULL; protected $template_file_cache = []; protected $caches = [] }) ) | .../Template.php:1267 |
14 | 1.4696 | 178637576 | WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => '', 1 => '/var/www/vhosts/', 2 => [0 => 'components', 1 => 'ical-link'], 3 => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template { protected $folder = [...]; public $origin = class Tribe__Events__Main { ... }; protected $context = [...]; protected $global = [...]; protected $template_origin_base_folder = [...]; protected $template_context_extract = TRUE; protected $template_current_hook_name = 'events/v2/components/ical-link'; protected $template_base_path = '/var/www/vhosts/'; protected $template_folder_lookup = TRUE; protected $template_current_file_path = *uninitialized*; protected $common_lookup = TRUE; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $view = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }; protected $repository = NULL; protected $template_file_cache = [...]; protected $caches = [...] }] ) | .../plugin.php:205 |
15 | 1.5087 | 179394776 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Latest_Past_View->add_view( $html = '<div class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past">\n\n\t<h2 class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__heading tribe-common-h5 tribe-common-h3--min-medium">\n\tLatest Past Events</h2>\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<div class="tribe-common-g-row tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-row" >\n\n\t<div class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-date-tag tribe-common-g-col">\n\t<time class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-date-tag-datetime" datetime="2025-01-23" aria-hidden="true">\n\t\t<span class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past_'... ) | .../class-wp-hook.php:326 |
16 | 1.5087 | 179396728 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\View->get_html( ) | .../Latest_Past_View.php:263 |
17 | 1.5188 | 179481632 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template->render( $context_overrides = ??? ) | .../View.php:731 |
18 | 1.5188 | 179482008 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'latest-past', $context = ['slug' => 'latest-past', '_context' => ['slug' => 'latest-past']], $echo = FALSE ) | .../Template.php:71 |
19 | 1.5188 | 179485480 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
20 | 1.5189 | 179504520 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
21 | 1.5191 | 179499520 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'latest-past/event', $context = ['event' => class WP_Post { public $ID = 9334; public $post_author = '4'; public $post_date = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_date_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content = 'Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of <em>There Is Another Way,</em> followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation.\r\n\r\n<em><strong>There Is Another Way</strong></em>, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group of visionaries - Combatants for Peace - who refuse to surrender to violence and injustice, and in doing so show that another path is possible - for the'...; public $post_title = 'Film Screening: Special Preview of \'There Is Another Way\''; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'publish'; public $comment_status = 'closed'; public $ping_status = 'closed'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = 'film-screening-special-preview-of-there-is-another-way'; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'tribe_events'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw'; public $start_date = '2025-01-23 19:00:00'; public $start_date_utc = '2025-01-24 00:00:00'; public $end_date = '2025-01-23 21:30:00'; public $end_date_utc = '2025-01-24 02:30:00'; public $dates = class stdClass { ... }; public $timezone = 'America/New_York'; public $duration = '9000'; public $multiday = FALSE; public $is_past = TRUE; public $is_now = FALSE; public $all_day = FALSE; public $starts_this_week = NULL; public $ends_this_week = NULL; public $this_week_duration = NULL; public $happens_this_week = NULL; public $displays_on = [...]; public $featured = FALSE; public $sticky = FALSE; public $cost = '$15.75'; public $excerpt = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $organizer_names = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_Collection { ... }; public $organizers = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $venues = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $thumbnail = class Tribe\Utils\Post_Thumbnail { ... }; public $permalink = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $short_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $plain_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $title = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $event_status = ''; public $event_status_reason = '' }], $echo = ??? ) | .../latest-past.php:28 |
22 | 1.5191 | 179494760 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
23 | 1.5192 | 179517800 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
24 | 1.5200 | 179518928 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'latest-past/event/venue', $context = ['event' => class WP_Post { public $ID = 9334; public $post_author = '4'; public $post_date = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_date_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content = 'Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of <em>There Is Another Way,</em> followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation.\r\n\r\n<em><strong>There Is Another Way</strong></em>, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group of visionaries - Combatants for Peace - who refuse to surrender to violence and injustice, and in doing so show that another path is possible - for the'...; public $post_title = 'Film Screening: Special Preview of \'There Is Another Way\''; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'publish'; public $comment_status = 'closed'; public $ping_status = 'closed'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = 'film-screening-special-preview-of-there-is-another-way'; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'tribe_events'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw'; public $start_date = '2025-01-23 19:00:00'; public $start_date_utc = '2025-01-24 00:00:00'; public $end_date = '2025-01-23 21:30:00'; public $end_date_utc = '2025-01-24 02:30:00'; public $dates = class stdClass { ... }; public $timezone = 'America/New_York'; public $duration = '9000'; public $multiday = FALSE; public $is_past = TRUE; public $is_now = FALSE; public $all_day = FALSE; public $starts_this_week = NULL; public $ends_this_week = NULL; public $this_week_duration = NULL; public $happens_this_week = NULL; public $displays_on = [...]; public $featured = FALSE; public $sticky = FALSE; public $cost = '$15.75'; public $excerpt = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $organizer_names = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_Collection { ... }; public $organizers = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $venues = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $thumbnail = class Tribe\Utils\Post_Thumbnail { ... }; public $permalink = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $short_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $plain_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $title = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $event_status = ''; public $event_status_reason = '' }], $echo = ??? ) | .../event.php:37 |
25 | 1.5200 | 179519816 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
26 | 1.5201 | 179541712 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
( ! ) Warning: Attempt to read property "state" on int in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 25 | ||||
Call Stack | ||||
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0640 | 5594120 | {main}( ) | .../index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0641 | 5594472 | require( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../index.php:17 |
3 | 1.0547 | 167403608 | require_once( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../wp-blog-header.php:19 |
4 | 1.0650 | 169202560 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../template-loader.php:106 |
5 | 1.4248 | 178723960 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template_Bootstrap->get_view_html( ) | .../default-template.php:19 |
6 | 1.4257 | 178574896 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\View->get_html( ) | .../Template_Bootstrap.php:275 |
7 | 1.4646 | 178581784 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template->render( $context_overrides = ??? ) | .../View.php:731 |
8 | 1.4646 | 178582160 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'list', $context = ['slug' => 'list', '_context' => ['slug' => 'list']], $echo = FALSE ) | .../Template.php:71 |
9 | 1.4646 | 178585616 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
10 | 1.4647 | 178613016 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
11 | 1.4695 | 178636360 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'components/ical-link', $context = ???, $echo = ??? ) | .../list.php:74 |
12 | 1.4696 | 178637248 | Tribe__Template->filter_template_html( $html = '', $file = '/var/www/vhosts/', $name = [0 => 'components', 1 => 'ical-link'], $hook_name = 'events/v2/components/ical-link' ) | .../Template.php:928 |
13 | 1.4696 | 178637328 | apply_filters( $hook_name = 'tribe_template_html:events/v2/components/ical-link', $value = '', ...$args = variadic('/var/www/vhosts/', [0 => 'components', 1 => 'ical-link'], class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template { protected $folder = [0 => 'src', 1 => 'views', 2 => 'v2']; public $origin = class Tribe__Events__Main { protected $min_wordpress = '6.2'; protected $min_php = '7.4.0'; protected $min_et_version = '5.16.0-dev'; private $show_data_wrapper = [...]; protected $post_type_args = [...]; public $postVenueTypeArgs = [...]; protected $taxonomyLabels = [...]; public $postOrganizerTypeArgs = [...]; public $rewriteSlug = 'events'; public $rewriteSlugSingular = 'event'; public $category_slug = 'category'; public $tag_slug = 'tag'; public $monthSlug = 'month'; public $featured_slug = 'featured'; public $scheduler = class Tribe__Events__Event_Cleaner_Scheduler { ... }; public $valid_venue_keys = [...]; public $all_slug = 'all'; public $taxRewriteSlug = 'events/category'; public $tagRewriteSlug = 'events/tag'; public $timezone_settings = NULL; public $activation_page = NULL; public $upcomingSlug = 'upcoming'; public $pastSlug = 'past'; public $listSlug = 'list'; public $daySlug = 'day'; public $todaySlug = 'today'; protected $postExceptionThrown = FALSE; public $pluginDir = 'the-events-calendar/'; public $pluginPath = '/var/www/vhosts/'; public $pluginUrl = ''; public $pluginName = 'The Events Calendar'; public $displaying = NULL; public $plugin_file = '/var/www/vhosts/'; public $plugin_dir = 'the-events-calendar/'; public $plugin_path = '/var/www/vhosts/'; public $plugin_url = ''; public $plugin_name = 'The Events Calendar'; public $date = NULL; protected $tabIndexStart = 2000; public $metaTags = [...]; public $venueTags = [...]; public $organizerTags = [...]; public $currentPostTimestamp = NULL; public $daysOfWeekShort = [...]; public $daysOfWeek = [...]; public $daysOfWeekMin = [...]; public $monthsFull = [...]; public $monthsShort = [...]; public $singular_venue_label = 'Venue'; public $plural_venue_label = 'Venues'; public $singular_organizer_label = 'Organizer'; public $plural_organizer_label = 'Organizers'; public $singular_event_label_lowercase = 'event'; public $plural_event_label_lowercase = 'events'; public $singular_event_label = 'Event'; public $plural_event_label = 'Events'; public $currentDay = ''; public $errors = ''; public $registered = class Tribe__Events__Plugin_Register { ... }; private $default_values = class Tribe__Events__Default_Values { ... }; private $should_prevent_autoload_init = FALSE; private $common_version_regex = '/const\\s+VERSION\\s*=\\s*\'([^\']+)\'/m'; public $template_namespace = 'events' }; protected $context = ['slug' => 'list', 'prev_url' => '', 'next_url' => '', 'view_class' => 'Tribe\\Events\\Views\\V2\\Views\\List_View', 'view_slug' => 'list', 'view_label' => 'List', 'view' => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }, 'title' => 'Events Archive - New York Jewish Agenda', 'events' => [...], 'url' => '', 'url_event_date' => FALSE, 'bar' => [...], 'today' => '2025-02-14 00:00:00', 'now' => '2025-02-14 18:21:37', 'request_date' => class Tribe\Utils\Date_I18n { ... }, 'rest_url' => '', 'rest_method' => 'POST', 'rest_nonce' => '', 'should_manage_url' => TRUE, 'today_url' => '', 'today_title' => 'Click to select today\'s date', 'today_label' => 'Today', 'prev_label' => '', 'next_label' => '', 'date_formats' => class stdClass { ... }, 'messages' => [...], 'start_of_week' => '1', 'header_title' => '', 'header_title_element' => 'h1', 'content_title' => '', 'breadcrumbs' => [...], 'before_events' => '<p><strong>EVENTS</strong></p>\n', 'after_events' => '\n<!--\nThis calendar is powered by The Events Calendar.\n\n-->\n', 'display_events_bar' => TRUE, 'disable_event_search' => FALSE, 'live_refresh' => TRUE, 'ical' => class stdClass { ... }, 'container_classes' => [...], 'container_data' => [...], 'is_past' => FALSE, 'breakpoints' => [...], 'breakpoint_pointer' => 'f8defea7-724c-40a8-8983-ba094bf842a6', 'is_initial_load' => TRUE, 'public_views' => [...], 'show_latest_past' => TRUE, 'show_now' => TRUE, 'now_label' => 'Upcoming', 'now_label_mobile' => 'Upcoming', 'show_end' => FALSE, 'selected_start_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_start_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_start_date_label' => 'February 14', 'selected_end_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_end_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_end_date_label' => 'Now', 'datepicker_date' => '2/14/2025', 'json_ld_data' => '<script type="application/ld+json">\r\n[{"@context":"","@type":"Event","name":"Film Screening: Special Preview of ‘There Is Another Way’","description":"<p>Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of There Is Another Way, followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation. There Is Another Way, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group '..., 'subscribe_links' => [...], '_context' => [...], 'text' => 'Loading...', 'classes' => [...], 'public_view_slug' => 'month', 'public_view_data' => class stdClass { ... }]; protected $global = ['slug' => 'list', 'prev_url' => '', 'next_url' => '', 'view_class' => 'Tribe\\Events\\Views\\V2\\Views\\List_View', 'view_slug' => 'list', 'view_label' => 'List', 'view' => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }, 'title' => 'Events Archive - New York Jewish Agenda', 'events' => [...], 'url' => '', 'url_event_date' => FALSE, 'bar' => [...], 'today' => '2025-02-14 00:00:00', 'now' => '2025-02-14 18:21:37', 'request_date' => class Tribe\Utils\Date_I18n { ... }, 'rest_url' => '', 'rest_method' => 'POST', 'rest_nonce' => '', 'should_manage_url' => TRUE, 'today_url' => '', 'today_title' => 'Click to select today\'s date', 'today_label' => 'Today', 'prev_label' => '', 'next_label' => '', 'date_formats' => class stdClass { ... }, 'messages' => [...], 'start_of_week' => '1', 'header_title' => '', 'header_title_element' => 'h1', 'content_title' => '', 'breadcrumbs' => [...], 'before_events' => '<p><strong>EVENTS</strong></p>\n', 'after_events' => '\n<!--\nThis calendar is powered by The Events Calendar.\n\n-->\n', 'display_events_bar' => TRUE, 'disable_event_search' => FALSE, 'live_refresh' => TRUE, 'ical' => class stdClass { ... }, 'container_classes' => [...], 'container_data' => [...], 'is_past' => FALSE, 'breakpoints' => [...], 'breakpoint_pointer' => 'f8defea7-724c-40a8-8983-ba094bf842a6', 'is_initial_load' => TRUE, 'public_views' => [...], 'show_latest_past' => TRUE, 'show_now' => TRUE, 'now_label' => 'Upcoming', 'now_label_mobile' => 'Upcoming', 'show_end' => FALSE, 'selected_start_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_start_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_start_date_label' => 'February 14', 'selected_end_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_end_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_end_date_label' => 'Now', 'datepicker_date' => '2/14/2025', 'json_ld_data' => '<script type="application/ld+json">\r\n[{"@context":"","@type":"Event","name":"Film Screening: Special Preview of ‘There Is Another Way’","description":"<p>Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of There Is Another Way, followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation. There Is Another Way, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group '..., 'subscribe_links' => [...]]; protected $template_origin_base_folder = [0 => 'src', 1 => 'views']; protected $template_context_extract = TRUE; protected $template_current_hook_name = 'events/v2/components/ical-link'; protected $template_base_path = '/var/www/vhosts/'; protected $template_folder_lookup = TRUE; protected $template_current_file_path = *uninitialized*; protected $common_lookup = TRUE; protected $aliases = []; protected $view = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { protected $context = class Tribe__Context { ... }; protected $slug = 'list'; protected $template_slug = 'list'; protected $template_path = ''; protected $template = ...; protected $repository = class Tribe__Events__Repositories__Event { ... }; protected $url = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Url { ... }; protected $global_backup = [...]; protected $repository_args = [...]; protected $global_repository_args = [...]; protected $page_key = 'paged'; protected $has_next_event = FALSE; protected $should_manage_url = TRUE; protected $messages = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Messages { ... }; protected $should_reset_page = FALSE; protected $display_events_bar = TRUE; protected $rewrite = class Tribe__Events__Rewrite { ... }; protected $cached_urls = [...]; protected TEC\Common\Configuration\Configuration $config = class TEC\Common\Configuration\Configuration { ... }; protected $default_breakpoints = [...] }; protected $repository = NULL; protected $template_file_cache = []; protected $caches = [] }) ) | .../Template.php:1267 |
14 | 1.4696 | 178637576 | WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => '', 1 => '/var/www/vhosts/', 2 => [0 => 'components', 1 => 'ical-link'], 3 => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template { protected $folder = [...]; public $origin = class Tribe__Events__Main { ... }; protected $context = [...]; protected $global = [...]; protected $template_origin_base_folder = [...]; protected $template_context_extract = TRUE; protected $template_current_hook_name = 'events/v2/components/ical-link'; protected $template_base_path = '/var/www/vhosts/'; protected $template_folder_lookup = TRUE; protected $template_current_file_path = *uninitialized*; protected $common_lookup = TRUE; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $view = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }; protected $repository = NULL; protected $template_file_cache = [...]; protected $caches = [...] }] ) | .../plugin.php:205 |
15 | 1.5087 | 179394776 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Latest_Past_View->add_view( $html = '<div class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past">\n\n\t<h2 class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__heading tribe-common-h5 tribe-common-h3--min-medium">\n\tLatest Past Events</h2>\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<div class="tribe-common-g-row tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-row" >\n\n\t<div class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-date-tag tribe-common-g-col">\n\t<time class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-date-tag-datetime" datetime="2025-01-23" aria-hidden="true">\n\t\t<span class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past_'... ) | .../class-wp-hook.php:326 |
16 | 1.5087 | 179396728 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\View->get_html( ) | .../Latest_Past_View.php:263 |
17 | 1.5188 | 179481632 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template->render( $context_overrides = ??? ) | .../View.php:731 |
18 | 1.5188 | 179482008 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'latest-past', $context = ['slug' => 'latest-past', '_context' => ['slug' => 'latest-past']], $echo = FALSE ) | .../Template.php:71 |
19 | 1.5188 | 179485480 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
20 | 1.5189 | 179504520 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
21 | 1.5191 | 179499520 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'latest-past/event', $context = ['event' => class WP_Post { public $ID = 9334; public $post_author = '4'; public $post_date = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_date_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content = 'Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of <em>There Is Another Way,</em> followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation.\r\n\r\n<em><strong>There Is Another Way</strong></em>, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group of visionaries - Combatants for Peace - who refuse to surrender to violence and injustice, and in doing so show that another path is possible - for the'...; public $post_title = 'Film Screening: Special Preview of \'There Is Another Way\''; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'publish'; public $comment_status = 'closed'; public $ping_status = 'closed'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = 'film-screening-special-preview-of-there-is-another-way'; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'tribe_events'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw'; public $start_date = '2025-01-23 19:00:00'; public $start_date_utc = '2025-01-24 00:00:00'; public $end_date = '2025-01-23 21:30:00'; public $end_date_utc = '2025-01-24 02:30:00'; public $dates = class stdClass { ... }; public $timezone = 'America/New_York'; public $duration = '9000'; public $multiday = FALSE; public $is_past = TRUE; public $is_now = FALSE; public $all_day = FALSE; public $starts_this_week = NULL; public $ends_this_week = NULL; public $this_week_duration = NULL; public $happens_this_week = NULL; public $displays_on = [...]; public $featured = FALSE; public $sticky = FALSE; public $cost = '$15.75'; public $excerpt = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $organizer_names = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_Collection { ... }; public $organizers = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $venues = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $thumbnail = class Tribe\Utils\Post_Thumbnail { ... }; public $permalink = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $short_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $plain_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $title = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $event_status = ''; public $event_status_reason = '' }], $echo = ??? ) | .../latest-past.php:28 |
22 | 1.5191 | 179494760 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
23 | 1.5192 | 179517800 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
24 | 1.5200 | 179518928 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'latest-past/event/venue', $context = ['event' => class WP_Post { public $ID = 9334; public $post_author = '4'; public $post_date = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_date_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content = 'Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of <em>There Is Another Way,</em> followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation.\r\n\r\n<em><strong>There Is Another Way</strong></em>, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group of visionaries - Combatants for Peace - who refuse to surrender to violence and injustice, and in doing so show that another path is possible - for the'...; public $post_title = 'Film Screening: Special Preview of \'There Is Another Way\''; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'publish'; public $comment_status = 'closed'; public $ping_status = 'closed'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = 'film-screening-special-preview-of-there-is-another-way'; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'tribe_events'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw'; public $start_date = '2025-01-23 19:00:00'; public $start_date_utc = '2025-01-24 00:00:00'; public $end_date = '2025-01-23 21:30:00'; public $end_date_utc = '2025-01-24 02:30:00'; public $dates = class stdClass { ... }; public $timezone = 'America/New_York'; public $duration = '9000'; public $multiday = FALSE; public $is_past = TRUE; public $is_now = FALSE; public $all_day = FALSE; public $starts_this_week = NULL; public $ends_this_week = NULL; public $this_week_duration = NULL; public $happens_this_week = NULL; public $displays_on = [...]; public $featured = FALSE; public $sticky = FALSE; public $cost = '$15.75'; public $excerpt = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $organizer_names = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_Collection { ... }; public $organizers = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $venues = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $thumbnail = class Tribe\Utils\Post_Thumbnail { ... }; public $permalink = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $short_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $plain_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $title = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $event_status = ''; public $event_status_reason = '' }], $echo = ??? ) | .../event.php:37 |
25 | 1.5200 | 179519816 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
26 | 1.5201 | 179541712 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
( ! ) Warning: Attempt to read property "province" on int in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 25 | ||||
Call Stack | ||||
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0640 | 5594120 | {main}( ) | .../index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0641 | 5594472 | require( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../index.php:17 |
3 | 1.0547 | 167403608 | require_once( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../wp-blog-header.php:19 |
4 | 1.0650 | 169202560 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../template-loader.php:106 |
5 | 1.4248 | 178723960 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template_Bootstrap->get_view_html( ) | .../default-template.php:19 |
6 | 1.4257 | 178574896 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\View->get_html( ) | .../Template_Bootstrap.php:275 |
7 | 1.4646 | 178581784 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template->render( $context_overrides = ??? ) | .../View.php:731 |
8 | 1.4646 | 178582160 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'list', $context = ['slug' => 'list', '_context' => ['slug' => 'list']], $echo = FALSE ) | .../Template.php:71 |
9 | 1.4646 | 178585616 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
10 | 1.4647 | 178613016 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
11 | 1.4695 | 178636360 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'components/ical-link', $context = ???, $echo = ??? ) | .../list.php:74 |
12 | 1.4696 | 178637248 | Tribe__Template->filter_template_html( $html = '', $file = '/var/www/vhosts/', $name = [0 => 'components', 1 => 'ical-link'], $hook_name = 'events/v2/components/ical-link' ) | .../Template.php:928 |
13 | 1.4696 | 178637328 | apply_filters( $hook_name = 'tribe_template_html:events/v2/components/ical-link', $value = '', ...$args = variadic('/var/www/vhosts/', [0 => 'components', 1 => 'ical-link'], class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template { protected $folder = [0 => 'src', 1 => 'views', 2 => 'v2']; public $origin = class Tribe__Events__Main { protected $min_wordpress = '6.2'; protected $min_php = '7.4.0'; protected $min_et_version = '5.16.0-dev'; private $show_data_wrapper = [...]; protected $post_type_args = [...]; public $postVenueTypeArgs = [...]; protected $taxonomyLabels = [...]; public $postOrganizerTypeArgs = [...]; public $rewriteSlug = 'events'; public $rewriteSlugSingular = 'event'; public $category_slug = 'category'; public $tag_slug = 'tag'; public $monthSlug = 'month'; public $featured_slug = 'featured'; public $scheduler = class Tribe__Events__Event_Cleaner_Scheduler { ... }; public $valid_venue_keys = [...]; public $all_slug = 'all'; public $taxRewriteSlug = 'events/category'; public $tagRewriteSlug = 'events/tag'; public $timezone_settings = NULL; public $activation_page = NULL; public $upcomingSlug = 'upcoming'; public $pastSlug = 'past'; public $listSlug = 'list'; public $daySlug = 'day'; public $todaySlug = 'today'; protected $postExceptionThrown = FALSE; public $pluginDir = 'the-events-calendar/'; public $pluginPath = '/var/www/vhosts/'; public $pluginUrl = ''; public $pluginName = 'The Events Calendar'; public $displaying = NULL; public $plugin_file = '/var/www/vhosts/'; public $plugin_dir = 'the-events-calendar/'; public $plugin_path = '/var/www/vhosts/'; public $plugin_url = ''; public $plugin_name = 'The Events Calendar'; public $date = NULL; protected $tabIndexStart = 2000; public $metaTags = [...]; public $venueTags = [...]; public $organizerTags = [...]; public $currentPostTimestamp = NULL; public $daysOfWeekShort = [...]; public $daysOfWeek = [...]; public $daysOfWeekMin = [...]; public $monthsFull = [...]; public $monthsShort = [...]; public $singular_venue_label = 'Venue'; public $plural_venue_label = 'Venues'; public $singular_organizer_label = 'Organizer'; public $plural_organizer_label = 'Organizers'; public $singular_event_label_lowercase = 'event'; public $plural_event_label_lowercase = 'events'; public $singular_event_label = 'Event'; public $plural_event_label = 'Events'; public $currentDay = ''; public $errors = ''; public $registered = class Tribe__Events__Plugin_Register { ... }; private $default_values = class Tribe__Events__Default_Values { ... }; private $should_prevent_autoload_init = FALSE; private $common_version_regex = '/const\\s+VERSION\\s*=\\s*\'([^\']+)\'/m'; public $template_namespace = 'events' }; protected $context = ['slug' => 'list', 'prev_url' => '', 'next_url' => '', 'view_class' => 'Tribe\\Events\\Views\\V2\\Views\\List_View', 'view_slug' => 'list', 'view_label' => 'List', 'view' => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }, 'title' => 'Events Archive - New York Jewish Agenda', 'events' => [...], 'url' => '', 'url_event_date' => FALSE, 'bar' => [...], 'today' => '2025-02-14 00:00:00', 'now' => '2025-02-14 18:21:37', 'request_date' => class Tribe\Utils\Date_I18n { ... }, 'rest_url' => '', 'rest_method' => 'POST', 'rest_nonce' => '', 'should_manage_url' => TRUE, 'today_url' => '', 'today_title' => 'Click to select today\'s date', 'today_label' => 'Today', 'prev_label' => '', 'next_label' => '', 'date_formats' => class stdClass { ... }, 'messages' => [...], 'start_of_week' => '1', 'header_title' => '', 'header_title_element' => 'h1', 'content_title' => '', 'breadcrumbs' => [...], 'before_events' => '<p><strong>EVENTS</strong></p>\n', 'after_events' => '\n<!--\nThis calendar is powered by The Events Calendar.\n\n-->\n', 'display_events_bar' => TRUE, 'disable_event_search' => FALSE, 'live_refresh' => TRUE, 'ical' => class stdClass { ... }, 'container_classes' => [...], 'container_data' => [...], 'is_past' => FALSE, 'breakpoints' => [...], 'breakpoint_pointer' => 'f8defea7-724c-40a8-8983-ba094bf842a6', 'is_initial_load' => TRUE, 'public_views' => [...], 'show_latest_past' => TRUE, 'show_now' => TRUE, 'now_label' => 'Upcoming', 'now_label_mobile' => 'Upcoming', 'show_end' => FALSE, 'selected_start_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_start_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_start_date_label' => 'February 14', 'selected_end_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_end_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_end_date_label' => 'Now', 'datepicker_date' => '2/14/2025', 'json_ld_data' => '<script type="application/ld+json">\r\n[{"@context":"","@type":"Event","name":"Film Screening: Special Preview of ‘There Is Another Way’","description":"<p>Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of There Is Another Way, followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation. There Is Another Way, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group '..., 'subscribe_links' => [...], '_context' => [...], 'text' => 'Loading...', 'classes' => [...], 'public_view_slug' => 'month', 'public_view_data' => class stdClass { ... }]; protected $global = ['slug' => 'list', 'prev_url' => '', 'next_url' => '', 'view_class' => 'Tribe\\Events\\Views\\V2\\Views\\List_View', 'view_slug' => 'list', 'view_label' => 'List', 'view' => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }, 'title' => 'Events Archive - New York Jewish Agenda', 'events' => [...], 'url' => '', 'url_event_date' => FALSE, 'bar' => [...], 'today' => '2025-02-14 00:00:00', 'now' => '2025-02-14 18:21:37', 'request_date' => class Tribe\Utils\Date_I18n { ... }, 'rest_url' => '', 'rest_method' => 'POST', 'rest_nonce' => '', 'should_manage_url' => TRUE, 'today_url' => '', 'today_title' => 'Click to select today\'s date', 'today_label' => 'Today', 'prev_label' => '', 'next_label' => '', 'date_formats' => class stdClass { ... }, 'messages' => [...], 'start_of_week' => '1', 'header_title' => '', 'header_title_element' => 'h1', 'content_title' => '', 'breadcrumbs' => [...], 'before_events' => '<p><strong>EVENTS</strong></p>\n', 'after_events' => '\n<!--\nThis calendar is powered by The Events Calendar.\n\n-->\n', 'display_events_bar' => TRUE, 'disable_event_search' => FALSE, 'live_refresh' => TRUE, 'ical' => class stdClass { ... }, 'container_classes' => [...], 'container_data' => [...], 'is_past' => FALSE, 'breakpoints' => [...], 'breakpoint_pointer' => 'f8defea7-724c-40a8-8983-ba094bf842a6', 'is_initial_load' => TRUE, 'public_views' => [...], 'show_latest_past' => TRUE, 'show_now' => TRUE, 'now_label' => 'Upcoming', 'now_label_mobile' => 'Upcoming', 'show_end' => FALSE, 'selected_start_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_start_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_start_date_label' => 'February 14', 'selected_end_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_end_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_end_date_label' => 'Now', 'datepicker_date' => '2/14/2025', 'json_ld_data' => '<script type="application/ld+json">\r\n[{"@context":"","@type":"Event","name":"Film Screening: Special Preview of ‘There Is Another Way’","description":"<p>Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of There Is Another Way, followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation. There Is Another Way, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group '..., 'subscribe_links' => [...]]; protected $template_origin_base_folder = [0 => 'src', 1 => 'views']; protected $template_context_extract = TRUE; protected $template_current_hook_name = 'events/v2/components/ical-link'; protected $template_base_path = '/var/www/vhosts/'; protected $template_folder_lookup = TRUE; protected $template_current_file_path = *uninitialized*; protected $common_lookup = TRUE; protected $aliases = []; protected $view = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { protected $context = class Tribe__Context { ... }; protected $slug = 'list'; protected $template_slug = 'list'; protected $template_path = ''; protected $template = ...; protected $repository = class Tribe__Events__Repositories__Event { ... }; protected $url = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Url { ... }; protected $global_backup = [...]; protected $repository_args = [...]; protected $global_repository_args = [...]; protected $page_key = 'paged'; protected $has_next_event = FALSE; protected $should_manage_url = TRUE; protected $messages = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Messages { ... }; protected $should_reset_page = FALSE; protected $display_events_bar = TRUE; protected $rewrite = class Tribe__Events__Rewrite { ... }; protected $cached_urls = [...]; protected TEC\Common\Configuration\Configuration $config = class TEC\Common\Configuration\Configuration { ... }; protected $default_breakpoints = [...] }; protected $repository = NULL; protected $template_file_cache = []; protected $caches = [] }) ) | .../Template.php:1267 |
14 | 1.4696 | 178637576 | WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => '', 1 => '/var/www/vhosts/', 2 => [0 => 'components', 1 => 'ical-link'], 3 => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template { protected $folder = [...]; public $origin = class Tribe__Events__Main { ... }; protected $context = [...]; protected $global = [...]; protected $template_origin_base_folder = [...]; protected $template_context_extract = TRUE; protected $template_current_hook_name = 'events/v2/components/ical-link'; protected $template_base_path = '/var/www/vhosts/'; protected $template_folder_lookup = TRUE; protected $template_current_file_path = *uninitialized*; protected $common_lookup = TRUE; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $view = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }; protected $repository = NULL; protected $template_file_cache = [...]; protected $caches = [...] }] ) | .../plugin.php:205 |
15 | 1.5087 | 179394776 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Latest_Past_View->add_view( $html = '<div class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past">\n\n\t<h2 class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__heading tribe-common-h5 tribe-common-h3--min-medium">\n\tLatest Past Events</h2>\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<div class="tribe-common-g-row tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-row" >\n\n\t<div class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-date-tag tribe-common-g-col">\n\t<time class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-date-tag-datetime" datetime="2025-01-23" aria-hidden="true">\n\t\t<span class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past_'... ) | .../class-wp-hook.php:326 |
16 | 1.5087 | 179396728 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\View->get_html( ) | .../Latest_Past_View.php:263 |
17 | 1.5188 | 179481632 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template->render( $context_overrides = ??? ) | .../View.php:731 |
18 | 1.5188 | 179482008 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'latest-past', $context = ['slug' => 'latest-past', '_context' => ['slug' => 'latest-past']], $echo = FALSE ) | .../Template.php:71 |
19 | 1.5188 | 179485480 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
20 | 1.5189 | 179504520 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
21 | 1.5191 | 179499520 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'latest-past/event', $context = ['event' => class WP_Post { public $ID = 9334; public $post_author = '4'; public $post_date = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_date_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content = 'Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of <em>There Is Another Way,</em> followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation.\r\n\r\n<em><strong>There Is Another Way</strong></em>, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group of visionaries - Combatants for Peace - who refuse to surrender to violence and injustice, and in doing so show that another path is possible - for the'...; public $post_title = 'Film Screening: Special Preview of \'There Is Another Way\''; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'publish'; public $comment_status = 'closed'; public $ping_status = 'closed'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = 'film-screening-special-preview-of-there-is-another-way'; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'tribe_events'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw'; public $start_date = '2025-01-23 19:00:00'; public $start_date_utc = '2025-01-24 00:00:00'; public $end_date = '2025-01-23 21:30:00'; public $end_date_utc = '2025-01-24 02:30:00'; public $dates = class stdClass { ... }; public $timezone = 'America/New_York'; public $duration = '9000'; public $multiday = FALSE; public $is_past = TRUE; public $is_now = FALSE; public $all_day = FALSE; public $starts_this_week = NULL; public $ends_this_week = NULL; public $this_week_duration = NULL; public $happens_this_week = NULL; public $displays_on = [...]; public $featured = FALSE; public $sticky = FALSE; public $cost = '$15.75'; public $excerpt = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $organizer_names = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_Collection { ... }; public $organizers = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $venues = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $thumbnail = class Tribe\Utils\Post_Thumbnail { ... }; public $permalink = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $short_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $plain_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $title = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $event_status = ''; public $event_status_reason = '' }], $echo = ??? ) | .../latest-past.php:28 |
22 | 1.5191 | 179494760 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
23 | 1.5192 | 179517800 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
24 | 1.5200 | 179518928 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'latest-past/event/venue', $context = ['event' => class WP_Post { public $ID = 9334; public $post_author = '4'; public $post_date = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_date_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content = 'Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of <em>There Is Another Way,</em> followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation.\r\n\r\n<em><strong>There Is Another Way</strong></em>, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group of visionaries - Combatants for Peace - who refuse to surrender to violence and injustice, and in doing so show that another path is possible - for the'...; public $post_title = 'Film Screening: Special Preview of \'There Is Another Way\''; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'publish'; public $comment_status = 'closed'; public $ping_status = 'closed'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = 'film-screening-special-preview-of-there-is-another-way'; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'tribe_events'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw'; public $start_date = '2025-01-23 19:00:00'; public $start_date_utc = '2025-01-24 00:00:00'; public $end_date = '2025-01-23 21:30:00'; public $end_date_utc = '2025-01-24 02:30:00'; public $dates = class stdClass { ... }; public $timezone = 'America/New_York'; public $duration = '9000'; public $multiday = FALSE; public $is_past = TRUE; public $is_now = FALSE; public $all_day = FALSE; public $starts_this_week = NULL; public $ends_this_week = NULL; public $this_week_duration = NULL; public $happens_this_week = NULL; public $displays_on = [...]; public $featured = FALSE; public $sticky = FALSE; public $cost = '$15.75'; public $excerpt = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $organizer_names = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_Collection { ... }; public $organizers = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $venues = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $thumbnail = class Tribe\Utils\Post_Thumbnail { ... }; public $permalink = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $short_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $plain_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $title = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $event_status = ''; public $event_status_reason = '' }], $echo = ??? ) | .../event.php:37 |
25 | 1.5200 | 179519816 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
26 | 1.5201 | 179541712 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
( ! ) Warning: Attempt to read property "address" on int in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 26 | ||||
Call Stack | ||||
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0640 | 5594120 | {main}( ) | .../index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0641 | 5594472 | require( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../index.php:17 |
3 | 1.0547 | 167403608 | require_once( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../wp-blog-header.php:19 |
4 | 1.0650 | 169202560 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../template-loader.php:106 |
5 | 1.4248 | 178723960 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template_Bootstrap->get_view_html( ) | .../default-template.php:19 |
6 | 1.4257 | 178574896 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\View->get_html( ) | .../Template_Bootstrap.php:275 |
7 | 1.4646 | 178581784 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template->render( $context_overrides = ??? ) | .../View.php:731 |
8 | 1.4646 | 178582160 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'list', $context = ['slug' => 'list', '_context' => ['slug' => 'list']], $echo = FALSE ) | .../Template.php:71 |
9 | 1.4646 | 178585616 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
10 | 1.4647 | 178613016 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
11 | 1.4695 | 178636360 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'components/ical-link', $context = ???, $echo = ??? ) | .../list.php:74 |
12 | 1.4696 | 178637248 | Tribe__Template->filter_template_html( $html = '', $file = '/var/www/vhosts/', $name = [0 => 'components', 1 => 'ical-link'], $hook_name = 'events/v2/components/ical-link' ) | .../Template.php:928 |
13 | 1.4696 | 178637328 | apply_filters( $hook_name = 'tribe_template_html:events/v2/components/ical-link', $value = '', ...$args = variadic('/var/www/vhosts/', [0 => 'components', 1 => 'ical-link'], class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template { protected $folder = [0 => 'src', 1 => 'views', 2 => 'v2']; public $origin = class Tribe__Events__Main { protected $min_wordpress = '6.2'; protected $min_php = '7.4.0'; protected $min_et_version = '5.16.0-dev'; private $show_data_wrapper = [...]; protected $post_type_args = [...]; public $postVenueTypeArgs = [...]; protected $taxonomyLabels = [...]; public $postOrganizerTypeArgs = [...]; public $rewriteSlug = 'events'; public $rewriteSlugSingular = 'event'; public $category_slug = 'category'; public $tag_slug = 'tag'; public $monthSlug = 'month'; public $featured_slug = 'featured'; public $scheduler = class Tribe__Events__Event_Cleaner_Scheduler { ... }; public $valid_venue_keys = [...]; public $all_slug = 'all'; public $taxRewriteSlug = 'events/category'; public $tagRewriteSlug = 'events/tag'; public $timezone_settings = NULL; public $activation_page = NULL; public $upcomingSlug = 'upcoming'; public $pastSlug = 'past'; public $listSlug = 'list'; public $daySlug = 'day'; public $todaySlug = 'today'; protected $postExceptionThrown = FALSE; public $pluginDir = 'the-events-calendar/'; public $pluginPath = '/var/www/vhosts/'; public $pluginUrl = ''; public $pluginName = 'The Events Calendar'; public $displaying = NULL; public $plugin_file = '/var/www/vhosts/'; public $plugin_dir = 'the-events-calendar/'; public $plugin_path = '/var/www/vhosts/'; public $plugin_url = ''; public $plugin_name = 'The Events Calendar'; public $date = NULL; protected $tabIndexStart = 2000; public $metaTags = [...]; public $venueTags = [...]; public $organizerTags = [...]; public $currentPostTimestamp = NULL; public $daysOfWeekShort = [...]; public $daysOfWeek = [...]; public $daysOfWeekMin = [...]; public $monthsFull = [...]; public $monthsShort = [...]; public $singular_venue_label = 'Venue'; public $plural_venue_label = 'Venues'; public $singular_organizer_label = 'Organizer'; public $plural_organizer_label = 'Organizers'; public $singular_event_label_lowercase = 'event'; public $plural_event_label_lowercase = 'events'; public $singular_event_label = 'Event'; public $plural_event_label = 'Events'; public $currentDay = ''; public $errors = ''; public $registered = class Tribe__Events__Plugin_Register { ... }; private $default_values = class Tribe__Events__Default_Values { ... }; private $should_prevent_autoload_init = FALSE; private $common_version_regex = '/const\\s+VERSION\\s*=\\s*\'([^\']+)\'/m'; public $template_namespace = 'events' }; protected $context = ['slug' => 'list', 'prev_url' => '', 'next_url' => '', 'view_class' => 'Tribe\\Events\\Views\\V2\\Views\\List_View', 'view_slug' => 'list', 'view_label' => 'List', 'view' => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }, 'title' => 'Events Archive - New York Jewish Agenda', 'events' => [...], 'url' => '', 'url_event_date' => FALSE, 'bar' => [...], 'today' => '2025-02-14 00:00:00', 'now' => '2025-02-14 18:21:37', 'request_date' => class Tribe\Utils\Date_I18n { ... }, 'rest_url' => '', 'rest_method' => 'POST', 'rest_nonce' => '', 'should_manage_url' => TRUE, 'today_url' => '', 'today_title' => 'Click to select today\'s date', 'today_label' => 'Today', 'prev_label' => '', 'next_label' => '', 'date_formats' => class stdClass { ... }, 'messages' => [...], 'start_of_week' => '1', 'header_title' => '', 'header_title_element' => 'h1', 'content_title' => '', 'breadcrumbs' => [...], 'before_events' => '<p><strong>EVENTS</strong></p>\n', 'after_events' => '\n<!--\nThis calendar is powered by The Events Calendar.\n\n-->\n', 'display_events_bar' => TRUE, 'disable_event_search' => FALSE, 'live_refresh' => TRUE, 'ical' => class stdClass { ... }, 'container_classes' => [...], 'container_data' => [...], 'is_past' => FALSE, 'breakpoints' => [...], 'breakpoint_pointer' => 'f8defea7-724c-40a8-8983-ba094bf842a6', 'is_initial_load' => TRUE, 'public_views' => [...], 'show_latest_past' => TRUE, 'show_now' => TRUE, 'now_label' => 'Upcoming', 'now_label_mobile' => 'Upcoming', 'show_end' => FALSE, 'selected_start_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_start_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_start_date_label' => 'February 14', 'selected_end_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_end_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_end_date_label' => 'Now', 'datepicker_date' => '2/14/2025', 'json_ld_data' => '<script type="application/ld+json">\r\n[{"@context":"","@type":"Event","name":"Film Screening: Special Preview of ‘There Is Another Way’","description":"<p>Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of There Is Another Way, followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation. There Is Another Way, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group '..., 'subscribe_links' => [...], '_context' => [...], 'text' => 'Loading...', 'classes' => [...], 'public_view_slug' => 'month', 'public_view_data' => class stdClass { ... }]; protected $global = ['slug' => 'list', 'prev_url' => '', 'next_url' => '', 'view_class' => 'Tribe\\Events\\Views\\V2\\Views\\List_View', 'view_slug' => 'list', 'view_label' => 'List', 'view' => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }, 'title' => 'Events Archive - New York Jewish Agenda', 'events' => [...], 'url' => '', 'url_event_date' => FALSE, 'bar' => [...], 'today' => '2025-02-14 00:00:00', 'now' => '2025-02-14 18:21:37', 'request_date' => class Tribe\Utils\Date_I18n { ... }, 'rest_url' => '', 'rest_method' => 'POST', 'rest_nonce' => '', 'should_manage_url' => TRUE, 'today_url' => '', 'today_title' => 'Click to select today\'s date', 'today_label' => 'Today', 'prev_label' => '', 'next_label' => '', 'date_formats' => class stdClass { ... }, 'messages' => [...], 'start_of_week' => '1', 'header_title' => '', 'header_title_element' => 'h1', 'content_title' => '', 'breadcrumbs' => [...], 'before_events' => '<p><strong>EVENTS</strong></p>\n', 'after_events' => '\n<!--\nThis calendar is powered by The Events Calendar.\n\n-->\n', 'display_events_bar' => TRUE, 'disable_event_search' => FALSE, 'live_refresh' => TRUE, 'ical' => class stdClass { ... }, 'container_classes' => [...], 'container_data' => [...], 'is_past' => FALSE, 'breakpoints' => [...], 'breakpoint_pointer' => 'f8defea7-724c-40a8-8983-ba094bf842a6', 'is_initial_load' => TRUE, 'public_views' => [...], 'show_latest_past' => TRUE, 'show_now' => TRUE, 'now_label' => 'Upcoming', 'now_label_mobile' => 'Upcoming', 'show_end' => FALSE, 'selected_start_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_start_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_start_date_label' => 'February 14', 'selected_end_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_end_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_end_date_label' => 'Now', 'datepicker_date' => '2/14/2025', 'json_ld_data' => '<script type="application/ld+json">\r\n[{"@context":"","@type":"Event","name":"Film Screening: Special Preview of ‘There Is Another Way’","description":"<p>Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of There Is Another Way, followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation. There Is Another Way, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group '..., 'subscribe_links' => [...]]; protected $template_origin_base_folder = [0 => 'src', 1 => 'views']; protected $template_context_extract = TRUE; protected $template_current_hook_name = 'events/v2/components/ical-link'; protected $template_base_path = '/var/www/vhosts/'; protected $template_folder_lookup = TRUE; protected $template_current_file_path = *uninitialized*; protected $common_lookup = TRUE; protected $aliases = []; protected $view = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { protected $context = class Tribe__Context { ... }; protected $slug = 'list'; protected $template_slug = 'list'; protected $template_path = ''; protected $template = ...; protected $repository = class Tribe__Events__Repositories__Event { ... }; protected $url = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Url { ... }; protected $global_backup = [...]; protected $repository_args = [...]; protected $global_repository_args = [...]; protected $page_key = 'paged'; protected $has_next_event = FALSE; protected $should_manage_url = TRUE; protected $messages = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Messages { ... }; protected $should_reset_page = FALSE; protected $display_events_bar = TRUE; protected $rewrite = class Tribe__Events__Rewrite { ... }; protected $cached_urls = [...]; protected TEC\Common\Configuration\Configuration $config = class TEC\Common\Configuration\Configuration { ... }; protected $default_breakpoints = [...] }; protected $repository = NULL; protected $template_file_cache = []; protected $caches = [] }) ) | .../Template.php:1267 |
14 | 1.4696 | 178637576 | WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => '', 1 => '/var/www/vhosts/', 2 => [0 => 'components', 1 => 'ical-link'], 3 => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template { protected $folder = [...]; public $origin = class Tribe__Events__Main { ... }; protected $context = [...]; protected $global = [...]; protected $template_origin_base_folder = [...]; protected $template_context_extract = TRUE; protected $template_current_hook_name = 'events/v2/components/ical-link'; protected $template_base_path = '/var/www/vhosts/'; protected $template_folder_lookup = TRUE; protected $template_current_file_path = *uninitialized*; protected $common_lookup = TRUE; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $view = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }; protected $repository = NULL; protected $template_file_cache = [...]; protected $caches = [...] }] ) | .../plugin.php:205 |
15 | 1.5087 | 179394776 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Latest_Past_View->add_view( $html = '<div class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past">\n\n\t<h2 class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__heading tribe-common-h5 tribe-common-h3--min-medium">\n\tLatest Past Events</h2>\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<div class="tribe-common-g-row tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-row" >\n\n\t<div class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-date-tag tribe-common-g-col">\n\t<time class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-date-tag-datetime" datetime="2025-01-23" aria-hidden="true">\n\t\t<span class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past_'... ) | .../class-wp-hook.php:326 |
16 | 1.5087 | 179396728 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\View->get_html( ) | .../Latest_Past_View.php:263 |
17 | 1.5188 | 179481632 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template->render( $context_overrides = ??? ) | .../View.php:731 |
18 | 1.5188 | 179482008 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'latest-past', $context = ['slug' => 'latest-past', '_context' => ['slug' => 'latest-past']], $echo = FALSE ) | .../Template.php:71 |
19 | 1.5188 | 179485480 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
20 | 1.5189 | 179504520 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
21 | 1.5191 | 179499520 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'latest-past/event', $context = ['event' => class WP_Post { public $ID = 9334; public $post_author = '4'; public $post_date = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_date_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content = 'Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of <em>There Is Another Way,</em> followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation.\r\n\r\n<em><strong>There Is Another Way</strong></em>, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group of visionaries - Combatants for Peace - who refuse to surrender to violence and injustice, and in doing so show that another path is possible - for the'...; public $post_title = 'Film Screening: Special Preview of \'There Is Another Way\''; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'publish'; public $comment_status = 'closed'; public $ping_status = 'closed'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = 'film-screening-special-preview-of-there-is-another-way'; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'tribe_events'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw'; public $start_date = '2025-01-23 19:00:00'; public $start_date_utc = '2025-01-24 00:00:00'; public $end_date = '2025-01-23 21:30:00'; public $end_date_utc = '2025-01-24 02:30:00'; public $dates = class stdClass { ... }; public $timezone = 'America/New_York'; public $duration = '9000'; public $multiday = FALSE; public $is_past = TRUE; public $is_now = FALSE; public $all_day = FALSE; public $starts_this_week = NULL; public $ends_this_week = NULL; public $this_week_duration = NULL; public $happens_this_week = NULL; public $displays_on = [...]; public $featured = FALSE; public $sticky = FALSE; public $cost = '$15.75'; public $excerpt = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $organizer_names = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_Collection { ... }; public $organizers = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $venues = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $thumbnail = class Tribe\Utils\Post_Thumbnail { ... }; public $permalink = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $short_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $plain_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $title = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $event_status = ''; public $event_status_reason = '' }], $echo = ??? ) | .../latest-past.php:28 |
22 | 1.5191 | 179494760 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
23 | 1.5192 | 179517800 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
24 | 1.5200 | 179518928 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'latest-past/event/venue', $context = ['event' => class WP_Post { public $ID = 9334; public $post_author = '4'; public $post_date = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_date_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content = 'Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of <em>There Is Another Way,</em> followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation.\r\n\r\n<em><strong>There Is Another Way</strong></em>, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group of visionaries - Combatants for Peace - who refuse to surrender to violence and injustice, and in doing so show that another path is possible - for the'...; public $post_title = 'Film Screening: Special Preview of \'There Is Another Way\''; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'publish'; public $comment_status = 'closed'; public $ping_status = 'closed'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = 'film-screening-special-preview-of-there-is-another-way'; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'tribe_events'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw'; public $start_date = '2025-01-23 19:00:00'; public $start_date_utc = '2025-01-24 00:00:00'; public $end_date = '2025-01-23 21:30:00'; public $end_date_utc = '2025-01-24 02:30:00'; public $dates = class stdClass { ... }; public $timezone = 'America/New_York'; public $duration = '9000'; public $multiday = FALSE; public $is_past = TRUE; public $is_now = FALSE; public $all_day = FALSE; public $starts_this_week = NULL; public $ends_this_week = NULL; public $this_week_duration = NULL; public $happens_this_week = NULL; public $displays_on = [...]; public $featured = FALSE; public $sticky = FALSE; public $cost = '$15.75'; public $excerpt = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $organizer_names = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_Collection { ... }; public $organizers = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $venues = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $thumbnail = class Tribe\Utils\Post_Thumbnail { ... }; public $permalink = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $short_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $plain_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $title = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $event_status = ''; public $event_status_reason = '' }], $echo = ??? ) | .../event.php:37 |
25 | 1.5200 | 179519816 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
26 | 1.5201 | 179541712 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
( ! ) Warning: Attempt to read property "address" on int in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 26 | ||||
Call Stack | ||||
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0640 | 5594120 | {main}( ) | .../index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0641 | 5594472 | require( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../index.php:17 |
3 | 1.0547 | 167403608 | require_once( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../wp-blog-header.php:19 |
4 | 1.0650 | 169202560 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../template-loader.php:106 |
5 | 1.4248 | 178723960 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template_Bootstrap->get_view_html( ) | .../default-template.php:19 |
6 | 1.4257 | 178574896 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\View->get_html( ) | .../Template_Bootstrap.php:275 |
7 | 1.4646 | 178581784 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template->render( $context_overrides = ??? ) | .../View.php:731 |
8 | 1.4646 | 178582160 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'list', $context = ['slug' => 'list', '_context' => ['slug' => 'list']], $echo = FALSE ) | .../Template.php:71 |
9 | 1.4646 | 178585616 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
10 | 1.4647 | 178613016 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
11 | 1.4695 | 178636360 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'components/ical-link', $context = ???, $echo = ??? ) | .../list.php:74 |
12 | 1.4696 | 178637248 | Tribe__Template->filter_template_html( $html = '', $file = '/var/www/vhosts/', $name = [0 => 'components', 1 => 'ical-link'], $hook_name = 'events/v2/components/ical-link' ) | .../Template.php:928 |
13 | 1.4696 | 178637328 | apply_filters( $hook_name = 'tribe_template_html:events/v2/components/ical-link', $value = '', ...$args = variadic('/var/www/vhosts/', [0 => 'components', 1 => 'ical-link'], class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template { protected $folder = [0 => 'src', 1 => 'views', 2 => 'v2']; public $origin = class Tribe__Events__Main { protected $min_wordpress = '6.2'; protected $min_php = '7.4.0'; protected $min_et_version = '5.16.0-dev'; private $show_data_wrapper = [...]; protected $post_type_args = [...]; public $postVenueTypeArgs = [...]; protected $taxonomyLabels = [...]; public $postOrganizerTypeArgs = [...]; public $rewriteSlug = 'events'; public $rewriteSlugSingular = 'event'; public $category_slug = 'category'; public $tag_slug = 'tag'; public $monthSlug = 'month'; public $featured_slug = 'featured'; public $scheduler = class Tribe__Events__Event_Cleaner_Scheduler { ... }; public $valid_venue_keys = [...]; public $all_slug = 'all'; public $taxRewriteSlug = 'events/category'; public $tagRewriteSlug = 'events/tag'; public $timezone_settings = NULL; public $activation_page = NULL; public $upcomingSlug = 'upcoming'; public $pastSlug = 'past'; public $listSlug = 'list'; public $daySlug = 'day'; public $todaySlug = 'today'; protected $postExceptionThrown = FALSE; public $pluginDir = 'the-events-calendar/'; public $pluginPath = '/var/www/vhosts/'; public $pluginUrl = ''; public $pluginName = 'The Events Calendar'; public $displaying = NULL; public $plugin_file = '/var/www/vhosts/'; public $plugin_dir = 'the-events-calendar/'; public $plugin_path = '/var/www/vhosts/'; public $plugin_url = ''; public $plugin_name = 'The Events Calendar'; public $date = NULL; protected $tabIndexStart = 2000; public $metaTags = [...]; public $venueTags = [...]; public $organizerTags = [...]; public $currentPostTimestamp = NULL; public $daysOfWeekShort = [...]; public $daysOfWeek = [...]; public $daysOfWeekMin = [...]; public $monthsFull = [...]; public $monthsShort = [...]; public $singular_venue_label = 'Venue'; public $plural_venue_label = 'Venues'; public $singular_organizer_label = 'Organizer'; public $plural_organizer_label = 'Organizers'; public $singular_event_label_lowercase = 'event'; public $plural_event_label_lowercase = 'events'; public $singular_event_label = 'Event'; public $plural_event_label = 'Events'; public $currentDay = ''; public $errors = ''; public $registered = class Tribe__Events__Plugin_Register { ... }; private $default_values = class Tribe__Events__Default_Values { ... }; private $should_prevent_autoload_init = FALSE; private $common_version_regex = '/const\\s+VERSION\\s*=\\s*\'([^\']+)\'/m'; public $template_namespace = 'events' }; protected $context = ['slug' => 'list', 'prev_url' => '', 'next_url' => '', 'view_class' => 'Tribe\\Events\\Views\\V2\\Views\\List_View', 'view_slug' => 'list', 'view_label' => 'List', 'view' => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }, 'title' => 'Events Archive - New York Jewish Agenda', 'events' => [...], 'url' => '', 'url_event_date' => FALSE, 'bar' => [...], 'today' => '2025-02-14 00:00:00', 'now' => '2025-02-14 18:21:37', 'request_date' => class Tribe\Utils\Date_I18n { ... }, 'rest_url' => '', 'rest_method' => 'POST', 'rest_nonce' => '', 'should_manage_url' => TRUE, 'today_url' => '', 'today_title' => 'Click to select today\'s date', 'today_label' => 'Today', 'prev_label' => '', 'next_label' => '', 'date_formats' => class stdClass { ... }, 'messages' => [...], 'start_of_week' => '1', 'header_title' => '', 'header_title_element' => 'h1', 'content_title' => '', 'breadcrumbs' => [...], 'before_events' => '<p><strong>EVENTS</strong></p>\n', 'after_events' => '\n<!--\nThis calendar is powered by The Events Calendar.\n\n-->\n', 'display_events_bar' => TRUE, 'disable_event_search' => FALSE, 'live_refresh' => TRUE, 'ical' => class stdClass { ... }, 'container_classes' => [...], 'container_data' => [...], 'is_past' => FALSE, 'breakpoints' => [...], 'breakpoint_pointer' => 'f8defea7-724c-40a8-8983-ba094bf842a6', 'is_initial_load' => TRUE, 'public_views' => [...], 'show_latest_past' => TRUE, 'show_now' => TRUE, 'now_label' => 'Upcoming', 'now_label_mobile' => 'Upcoming', 'show_end' => FALSE, 'selected_start_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_start_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_start_date_label' => 'February 14', 'selected_end_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_end_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_end_date_label' => 'Now', 'datepicker_date' => '2/14/2025', 'json_ld_data' => '<script type="application/ld+json">\r\n[{"@context":"","@type":"Event","name":"Film Screening: Special Preview of ‘There Is Another Way’","description":"<p>Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of There Is Another Way, followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation. There Is Another Way, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group '..., 'subscribe_links' => [...], '_context' => [...], 'text' => 'Loading...', 'classes' => [...], 'public_view_slug' => 'month', 'public_view_data' => class stdClass { ... }]; protected $global = ['slug' => 'list', 'prev_url' => '', 'next_url' => '', 'view_class' => 'Tribe\\Events\\Views\\V2\\Views\\List_View', 'view_slug' => 'list', 'view_label' => 'List', 'view' => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }, 'title' => 'Events Archive - New York Jewish Agenda', 'events' => [...], 'url' => '', 'url_event_date' => FALSE, 'bar' => [...], 'today' => '2025-02-14 00:00:00', 'now' => '2025-02-14 18:21:37', 'request_date' => class Tribe\Utils\Date_I18n { ... }, 'rest_url' => '', 'rest_method' => 'POST', 'rest_nonce' => '', 'should_manage_url' => TRUE, 'today_url' => '', 'today_title' => 'Click to select today\'s date', 'today_label' => 'Today', 'prev_label' => '', 'next_label' => '', 'date_formats' => class stdClass { ... }, 'messages' => [...], 'start_of_week' => '1', 'header_title' => '', 'header_title_element' => 'h1', 'content_title' => '', 'breadcrumbs' => [...], 'before_events' => '<p><strong>EVENTS</strong></p>\n', 'after_events' => '\n<!--\nThis calendar is powered by The Events Calendar.\n\n-->\n', 'display_events_bar' => TRUE, 'disable_event_search' => FALSE, 'live_refresh' => TRUE, 'ical' => class stdClass { ... }, 'container_classes' => [...], 'container_data' => [...], 'is_past' => FALSE, 'breakpoints' => [...], 'breakpoint_pointer' => 'f8defea7-724c-40a8-8983-ba094bf842a6', 'is_initial_load' => TRUE, 'public_views' => [...], 'show_latest_past' => TRUE, 'show_now' => TRUE, 'now_label' => 'Upcoming', 'now_label_mobile' => 'Upcoming', 'show_end' => FALSE, 'selected_start_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_start_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_start_date_label' => 'February 14', 'selected_end_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_end_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_end_date_label' => 'Now', 'datepicker_date' => '2/14/2025', 'json_ld_data' => '<script type="application/ld+json">\r\n[{"@context":"","@type":"Event","name":"Film Screening: Special Preview of ‘There Is Another Way’","description":"<p>Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of There Is Another Way, followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation. There Is Another Way, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group '..., 'subscribe_links' => [...]]; protected $template_origin_base_folder = [0 => 'src', 1 => 'views']; protected $template_context_extract = TRUE; protected $template_current_hook_name = 'events/v2/components/ical-link'; protected $template_base_path = '/var/www/vhosts/'; protected $template_folder_lookup = TRUE; protected $template_current_file_path = *uninitialized*; protected $common_lookup = TRUE; protected $aliases = []; protected $view = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { protected $context = class Tribe__Context { ... }; protected $slug = 'list'; protected $template_slug = 'list'; protected $template_path = ''; protected $template = ...; protected $repository = class Tribe__Events__Repositories__Event { ... }; protected $url = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Url { ... }; protected $global_backup = [...]; protected $repository_args = [...]; protected $global_repository_args = [...]; protected $page_key = 'paged'; protected $has_next_event = FALSE; protected $should_manage_url = TRUE; protected $messages = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Messages { ... }; protected $should_reset_page = FALSE; protected $display_events_bar = TRUE; protected $rewrite = class Tribe__Events__Rewrite { ... }; protected $cached_urls = [...]; protected TEC\Common\Configuration\Configuration $config = class TEC\Common\Configuration\Configuration { ... }; protected $default_breakpoints = [...] }; protected $repository = NULL; protected $template_file_cache = []; protected $caches = [] }) ) | .../Template.php:1267 |
14 | 1.4696 | 178637576 | WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => '', 1 => '/var/www/vhosts/', 2 => [0 => 'components', 1 => 'ical-link'], 3 => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template { protected $folder = [...]; public $origin = class Tribe__Events__Main { ... }; protected $context = [...]; protected $global = [...]; protected $template_origin_base_folder = [...]; protected $template_context_extract = TRUE; protected $template_current_hook_name = 'events/v2/components/ical-link'; protected $template_base_path = '/var/www/vhosts/'; protected $template_folder_lookup = TRUE; protected $template_current_file_path = *uninitialized*; protected $common_lookup = TRUE; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $view = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }; protected $repository = NULL; protected $template_file_cache = [...]; protected $caches = [...] }] ) | .../plugin.php:205 |
15 | 1.5087 | 179394776 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Latest_Past_View->add_view( $html = '<div class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past">\n\n\t<h2 class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__heading tribe-common-h5 tribe-common-h3--min-medium">\n\tLatest Past Events</h2>\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<div class="tribe-common-g-row tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-row" >\n\n\t<div class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-date-tag tribe-common-g-col">\n\t<time class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-date-tag-datetime" datetime="2025-01-23" aria-hidden="true">\n\t\t<span class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past_'... ) | .../class-wp-hook.php:326 |
16 | 1.5087 | 179396728 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\View->get_html( ) | .../Latest_Past_View.php:263 |
17 | 1.5188 | 179481632 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template->render( $context_overrides = ??? ) | .../View.php:731 |
18 | 1.5188 | 179482008 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'latest-past', $context = ['slug' => 'latest-past', '_context' => ['slug' => 'latest-past']], $echo = FALSE ) | .../Template.php:71 |
19 | 1.5188 | 179485480 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
20 | 1.5189 | 179504520 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
21 | 1.5191 | 179499520 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'latest-past/event', $context = ['event' => class WP_Post { public $ID = 9334; public $post_author = '4'; public $post_date = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_date_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content = 'Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of <em>There Is Another Way,</em> followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation.\r\n\r\n<em><strong>There Is Another Way</strong></em>, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group of visionaries - Combatants for Peace - who refuse to surrender to violence and injustice, and in doing so show that another path is possible - for the'...; public $post_title = 'Film Screening: Special Preview of \'There Is Another Way\''; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'publish'; public $comment_status = 'closed'; public $ping_status = 'closed'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = 'film-screening-special-preview-of-there-is-another-way'; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'tribe_events'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw'; public $start_date = '2025-01-23 19:00:00'; public $start_date_utc = '2025-01-24 00:00:00'; public $end_date = '2025-01-23 21:30:00'; public $end_date_utc = '2025-01-24 02:30:00'; public $dates = class stdClass { ... }; public $timezone = 'America/New_York'; public $duration = '9000'; public $multiday = FALSE; public $is_past = TRUE; public $is_now = FALSE; public $all_day = FALSE; public $starts_this_week = NULL; public $ends_this_week = NULL; public $this_week_duration = NULL; public $happens_this_week = NULL; public $displays_on = [...]; public $featured = FALSE; public $sticky = FALSE; public $cost = '$15.75'; public $excerpt = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $organizer_names = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_Collection { ... }; public $organizers = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $venues = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $thumbnail = class Tribe\Utils\Post_Thumbnail { ... }; public $permalink = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $short_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $plain_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $title = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $event_status = ''; public $event_status_reason = '' }], $echo = ??? ) | .../latest-past.php:28 |
22 | 1.5191 | 179494760 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
23 | 1.5192 | 179517800 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
24 | 1.5200 | 179518928 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'latest-past/event/venue', $context = ['event' => class WP_Post { public $ID = 9334; public $post_author = '4'; public $post_date = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_date_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content = 'Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of <em>There Is Another Way,</em> followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation.\r\n\r\n<em><strong>There Is Another Way</strong></em>, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group of visionaries - Combatants for Peace - who refuse to surrender to violence and injustice, and in doing so show that another path is possible - for the'...; public $post_title = 'Film Screening: Special Preview of \'There Is Another Way\''; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'publish'; public $comment_status = 'closed'; public $ping_status = 'closed'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = 'film-screening-special-preview-of-there-is-another-way'; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'tribe_events'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw'; public $start_date = '2025-01-23 19:00:00'; public $start_date_utc = '2025-01-24 00:00:00'; public $end_date = '2025-01-23 21:30:00'; public $end_date_utc = '2025-01-24 02:30:00'; public $dates = class stdClass { ... }; public $timezone = 'America/New_York'; public $duration = '9000'; public $multiday = FALSE; public $is_past = TRUE; public $is_now = FALSE; public $all_day = FALSE; public $starts_this_week = NULL; public $ends_this_week = NULL; public $this_week_duration = NULL; public $happens_this_week = NULL; public $displays_on = [...]; public $featured = FALSE; public $sticky = FALSE; public $cost = '$15.75'; public $excerpt = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $organizer_names = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_Collection { ... }; public $organizers = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $venues = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $thumbnail = class Tribe\Utils\Post_Thumbnail { ... }; public $permalink = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $short_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $plain_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $title = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $event_status = ''; public $event_status_reason = '' }], $echo = ??? ) | .../event.php:37 |
25 | 1.5200 | 179519816 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
26 | 1.5201 | 179541712 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
( ! ) Warning: Attempt to read property "post_title" on int in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 30 | ||||
Call Stack | ||||
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0640 | 5594120 | {main}( ) | .../index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0641 | 5594472 | require( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../index.php:17 |
3 | 1.0547 | 167403608 | require_once( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../wp-blog-header.php:19 |
4 | 1.0650 | 169202560 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../template-loader.php:106 |
5 | 1.4248 | 178723960 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template_Bootstrap->get_view_html( ) | .../default-template.php:19 |
6 | 1.4257 | 178574896 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\View->get_html( ) | .../Template_Bootstrap.php:275 |
7 | 1.4646 | 178581784 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template->render( $context_overrides = ??? ) | .../View.php:731 |
8 | 1.4646 | 178582160 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'list', $context = ['slug' => 'list', '_context' => ['slug' => 'list']], $echo = FALSE ) | .../Template.php:71 |
9 | 1.4646 | 178585616 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
10 | 1.4647 | 178613016 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
11 | 1.4695 | 178636360 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'components/ical-link', $context = ???, $echo = ??? ) | .../list.php:74 |
12 | 1.4696 | 178637248 | Tribe__Template->filter_template_html( $html = '', $file = '/var/www/vhosts/', $name = [0 => 'components', 1 => 'ical-link'], $hook_name = 'events/v2/components/ical-link' ) | .../Template.php:928 |
13 | 1.4696 | 178637328 | apply_filters( $hook_name = 'tribe_template_html:events/v2/components/ical-link', $value = '', ...$args = variadic('/var/www/vhosts/', [0 => 'components', 1 => 'ical-link'], class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template { protected $folder = [0 => 'src', 1 => 'views', 2 => 'v2']; public $origin = class Tribe__Events__Main { protected $min_wordpress = '6.2'; protected $min_php = '7.4.0'; protected $min_et_version = '5.16.0-dev'; private $show_data_wrapper = [...]; protected $post_type_args = [...]; public $postVenueTypeArgs = [...]; protected $taxonomyLabels = [...]; public $postOrganizerTypeArgs = [...]; public $rewriteSlug = 'events'; public $rewriteSlugSingular = 'event'; public $category_slug = 'category'; public $tag_slug = 'tag'; public $monthSlug = 'month'; public $featured_slug = 'featured'; public $scheduler = class Tribe__Events__Event_Cleaner_Scheduler { ... }; public $valid_venue_keys = [...]; public $all_slug = 'all'; public $taxRewriteSlug = 'events/category'; public $tagRewriteSlug = 'events/tag'; public $timezone_settings = NULL; public $activation_page = NULL; public $upcomingSlug = 'upcoming'; public $pastSlug = 'past'; public $listSlug = 'list'; public $daySlug = 'day'; public $todaySlug = 'today'; protected $postExceptionThrown = FALSE; public $pluginDir = 'the-events-calendar/'; public $pluginPath = '/var/www/vhosts/'; public $pluginUrl = ''; public $pluginName = 'The Events Calendar'; public $displaying = NULL; public $plugin_file = '/var/www/vhosts/'; public $plugin_dir = 'the-events-calendar/'; public $plugin_path = '/var/www/vhosts/'; public $plugin_url = ''; public $plugin_name = 'The Events Calendar'; public $date = NULL; protected $tabIndexStart = 2000; public $metaTags = [...]; public $venueTags = [...]; public $organizerTags = [...]; public $currentPostTimestamp = NULL; public $daysOfWeekShort = [...]; public $daysOfWeek = [...]; public $daysOfWeekMin = [...]; public $monthsFull = [...]; public $monthsShort = [...]; public $singular_venue_label = 'Venue'; public $plural_venue_label = 'Venues'; public $singular_organizer_label = 'Organizer'; public $plural_organizer_label = 'Organizers'; public $singular_event_label_lowercase = 'event'; public $plural_event_label_lowercase = 'events'; public $singular_event_label = 'Event'; public $plural_event_label = 'Events'; public $currentDay = ''; public $errors = ''; public $registered = class Tribe__Events__Plugin_Register { ... }; private $default_values = class Tribe__Events__Default_Values { ... }; private $should_prevent_autoload_init = FALSE; private $common_version_regex = '/const\\s+VERSION\\s*=\\s*\'([^\']+)\'/m'; public $template_namespace = 'events' }; protected $context = ['slug' => 'list', 'prev_url' => '', 'next_url' => '', 'view_class' => 'Tribe\\Events\\Views\\V2\\Views\\List_View', 'view_slug' => 'list', 'view_label' => 'List', 'view' => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }, 'title' => 'Events Archive - New York Jewish Agenda', 'events' => [...], 'url' => '', 'url_event_date' => FALSE, 'bar' => [...], 'today' => '2025-02-14 00:00:00', 'now' => '2025-02-14 18:21:37', 'request_date' => class Tribe\Utils\Date_I18n { ... }, 'rest_url' => '', 'rest_method' => 'POST', 'rest_nonce' => '', 'should_manage_url' => TRUE, 'today_url' => '', 'today_title' => 'Click to select today\'s date', 'today_label' => 'Today', 'prev_label' => '', 'next_label' => '', 'date_formats' => class stdClass { ... }, 'messages' => [...], 'start_of_week' => '1', 'header_title' => '', 'header_title_element' => 'h1', 'content_title' => '', 'breadcrumbs' => [...], 'before_events' => '<p><strong>EVENTS</strong></p>\n', 'after_events' => '\n<!--\nThis calendar is powered by The Events Calendar.\n\n-->\n', 'display_events_bar' => TRUE, 'disable_event_search' => FALSE, 'live_refresh' => TRUE, 'ical' => class stdClass { ... }, 'container_classes' => [...], 'container_data' => [...], 'is_past' => FALSE, 'breakpoints' => [...], 'breakpoint_pointer' => 'f8defea7-724c-40a8-8983-ba094bf842a6', 'is_initial_load' => TRUE, 'public_views' => [...], 'show_latest_past' => TRUE, 'show_now' => TRUE, 'now_label' => 'Upcoming', 'now_label_mobile' => 'Upcoming', 'show_end' => FALSE, 'selected_start_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_start_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_start_date_label' => 'February 14', 'selected_end_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_end_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_end_date_label' => 'Now', 'datepicker_date' => '2/14/2025', 'json_ld_data' => '<script type="application/ld+json">\r\n[{"@context":"","@type":"Event","name":"Film Screening: Special Preview of ‘There Is Another Way’","description":"<p>Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of There Is Another Way, followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation. There Is Another Way, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group '..., 'subscribe_links' => [...], '_context' => [...], 'text' => 'Loading...', 'classes' => [...], 'public_view_slug' => 'month', 'public_view_data' => class stdClass { ... }]; protected $global = ['slug' => 'list', 'prev_url' => '', 'next_url' => '', 'view_class' => 'Tribe\\Events\\Views\\V2\\Views\\List_View', 'view_slug' => 'list', 'view_label' => 'List', 'view' => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }, 'title' => 'Events Archive - New York Jewish Agenda', 'events' => [...], 'url' => '', 'url_event_date' => FALSE, 'bar' => [...], 'today' => '2025-02-14 00:00:00', 'now' => '2025-02-14 18:21:37', 'request_date' => class Tribe\Utils\Date_I18n { ... }, 'rest_url' => '', 'rest_method' => 'POST', 'rest_nonce' => '', 'should_manage_url' => TRUE, 'today_url' => '', 'today_title' => 'Click to select today\'s date', 'today_label' => 'Today', 'prev_label' => '', 'next_label' => '', 'date_formats' => class stdClass { ... }, 'messages' => [...], 'start_of_week' => '1', 'header_title' => '', 'header_title_element' => 'h1', 'content_title' => '', 'breadcrumbs' => [...], 'before_events' => '<p><strong>EVENTS</strong></p>\n', 'after_events' => '\n<!--\nThis calendar is powered by The Events Calendar.\n\n-->\n', 'display_events_bar' => TRUE, 'disable_event_search' => FALSE, 'live_refresh' => TRUE, 'ical' => class stdClass { ... }, 'container_classes' => [...], 'container_data' => [...], 'is_past' => FALSE, 'breakpoints' => [...], 'breakpoint_pointer' => 'f8defea7-724c-40a8-8983-ba094bf842a6', 'is_initial_load' => TRUE, 'public_views' => [...], 'show_latest_past' => TRUE, 'show_now' => TRUE, 'now_label' => 'Upcoming', 'now_label_mobile' => 'Upcoming', 'show_end' => FALSE, 'selected_start_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_start_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_start_date_label' => 'February 14', 'selected_end_datetime' => '2025-02-14', 'selected_end_date_mobile' => '2/14/2025', 'selected_end_date_label' => 'Now', 'datepicker_date' => '2/14/2025', 'json_ld_data' => '<script type="application/ld+json">\r\n[{"@context":"","@type":"Event","name":"Film Screening: Special Preview of ‘There Is Another Way’","description":"<p>Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of There Is Another Way, followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation. 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14 | 1.4696 | 178637576 | WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => '', 1 => '/var/www/vhosts/', 2 => [0 => 'components', 1 => 'ical-link'], 3 => class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template { protected $folder = [...]; public $origin = class Tribe__Events__Main { ... }; protected $context = [...]; protected $global = [...]; protected $template_origin_base_folder = [...]; protected $template_context_extract = TRUE; protected $template_current_hook_name = 'events/v2/components/ical-link'; protected $template_base_path = '/var/www/vhosts/'; protected $template_folder_lookup = TRUE; protected $template_current_file_path = *uninitialized*; protected $common_lookup = TRUE; protected $aliases = [...]; protected $view = class Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\List_View { ... }; protected $repository = NULL; protected $template_file_cache = [...]; protected $caches = [...] }] ) | .../plugin.php:205 |
15 | 1.5087 | 179394776 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Views\Latest_Past_View->add_view( $html = '<div class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past">\n\n\t<h2 class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__heading tribe-common-h5 tribe-common-h3--min-medium">\n\tLatest Past Events</h2>\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t<div class="tribe-common-g-row tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-row" >\n\n\t<div class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-date-tag tribe-common-g-col">\n\t<time class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-date-tag-datetime" datetime="2025-01-23" aria-hidden="true">\n\t\t<span class="tribe-events-calendar-latest-past_'... ) | .../class-wp-hook.php:326 |
16 | 1.5087 | 179396728 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\View->get_html( ) | .../Latest_Past_View.php:263 |
17 | 1.5188 | 179481632 | Tribe\Events\Views\V2\Template->render( $context_overrides = ??? ) | .../View.php:731 |
18 | 1.5188 | 179482008 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'latest-past', $context = ['slug' => 'latest-past', '_context' => ['slug' => 'latest-past']], $echo = FALSE ) | .../Template.php:71 |
19 | 1.5188 | 179485480 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
20 | 1.5189 | 179504520 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
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22 | 1.5191 | 179494760 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
23 | 1.5192 | 179517800 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
24 | 1.5200 | 179518928 | Tribe__Template->template( $name = 'latest-past/event/venue', $context = ['event' => class WP_Post { public $ID = 9334; public $post_author = '4'; public $post_date = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_date_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content = 'Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of <em>There Is Another Way,</em> followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants for Peace members centered on collective liberation.\r\n\r\n<em><strong>There Is Another Way</strong></em>, a powerful new documentary, tells the story of a group of visionaries - Combatants for Peace - who refuse to surrender to violence and injustice, and in doing so show that another path is possible - for the'...; public $post_title = 'Film Screening: Special Preview of \'There Is Another Way\''; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'publish'; public $comment_status = 'closed'; public $ping_status = 'closed'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = 'film-screening-special-preview-of-there-is-another-way'; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2025-01-06 15:14:09'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2025-01-06 20:14:09'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'tribe_events'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw'; public $start_date = '2025-01-23 19:00:00'; public $start_date_utc = '2025-01-24 00:00:00'; public $end_date = '2025-01-23 21:30:00'; public $end_date_utc = '2025-01-24 02:30:00'; public $dates = class stdClass { ... }; public $timezone = 'America/New_York'; public $duration = '9000'; public $multiday = FALSE; public $is_past = TRUE; public $is_now = FALSE; public $all_day = FALSE; public $starts_this_week = NULL; public $ends_this_week = NULL; public $this_week_duration = NULL; public $happens_this_week = NULL; public $displays_on = [...]; public $featured = FALSE; public $sticky = FALSE; public $cost = '$15.75'; public $excerpt = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $organizer_names = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_Collection { ... }; public $organizers = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $venues = class Tribe\Events\Collections\Lazy_Post_Collection { ... }; public $thumbnail = class Tribe\Utils\Post_Thumbnail { ... }; public $permalink = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $short_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $plain_schedule_details = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $title = class Tribe\Utils\Lazy_String { ... }; public $event_status = ''; public $event_status_reason = '' }], $echo = ??? ) | .../event.php:37 |
25 | 1.5200 | 179519816 | Tribe__Template->template_safe_include( $file = '/var/www/vhosts/' ) | .../Template.php:919 |
26 | 1.5201 | 179541712 | include( '/var/www/vhosts/ ) | .../Template.php:1069 |
Join us at Judson Memorial Church on January 23rd from 7:00-9:30pm for a special preview screening of There Is Another Way, followed by a meaningful conversation with filmmakers and Combatants…